Tuesday 3 October 2017

Monster In-law 1

Image result for cartoon couplesI felt the sun light hit my face, it was indeed a bright day i was finally married to my heart throb, Ben. He was so lovely, kind,romantic, pink lips and ooh that body of his, i always felt so secure in his arms..... i just loved him.

Our honey moon was the best; candle light dinners, beach side lunch and breakfast was always in bed if you know what i mean (smiles), we had just returned home more like to reality, Ben had gone to work, he was a Medical consultant and owned his own small maternity clinic, i on the other hand was an editor and i worked from home, i still couldn't believe two weeks had gone so fast, i missed all our talks and walks, holding hands.... ''ding dong'' i was jolted back to reality, ooh i missed our private little moments.

The house was quite organised except our bedroom, we returned late last night and hadn't unpacked, and ooh the dust, it was the dry season and dust was the new air, this meant a lot of cleaning needed to be done, but who could be at the door this early and why, my house was not ready to entertain any guest....'' ding dong, ding dong'' the bell rang again, i finally pulled myself together and made my way to to the door.

I heard the door bell ring again but this time it sounded inpatient, i hope there was no emergency, "am coming!!" i yelled, then quickened my pace, getting to the door i turned the keys and door nob as fast as i could and pulled.... "mama!!'' i screamed, my mother in-law was here, with two boxes and a bag. I stretched out to hug her but got a cold shoulder, i felt panic flow through me, "hope no problem?" i asked, she hissed and asked what took me so long to get to the door, i quickly apologized and ushered her in carrying all her luggage.

I was still trying to pull the boxes behind her, wondering what was in them when i realized she was standing at a spot and her eyes moving round the sitting room, ''what a pig, my son married'', she said so softly i didn't know if to get offended, i began to apologize again, explaining that we arrived really late last night and was too tired to clean.... she cut me off saying only a lazy woman makes excuses and didn't hesitate to let me know she had her reserves on her son's decision to marry me but of course her husband of blessed memory wasn't there to help convince her only son from marrying a disaster like me.

I was still lost in the part of hesitation; Ben never mentioned that, he always said his mother adored and loved me, i always wondered why she never called often or never wanted me to visit, he always convinced me otherwise... i felt a stare go through me and realized she was still speaking.

There should be a way out of this, smiling i apologized and asked for a few minutes to clean up and get her something to eat, she abruptly refused to sit in saying ''i don't want to die of dust''. This was my fault i said to my self as i ushered her to the gazebo outside and beckoned on the gate man to clean a chair for her to sit, her laughter cut me off, ''so you are too big to clean the chair for me?'' she asked, ''of course not'' i replied, and quickly took the napkin from akin (the gate man) and started dusting.

My back hurt, i had been cleaning and cooking all day serving my dear mother in-law, ooh my God, her needs where so many; the water is too hot, now its too cold, its not warm enough.... really?. How long was she going to be around?, i hope not long, the sound of my Ben driving in got me smiling again, my baby is back, the memories of our honey moon flooded my mind, his kisses, his touch.... he must be tired and exhausted, thanks to my mother in-law i had prepared rice, beans and plantain so he can mix it which ever way his appetite blew him

To be continued.....


  1. cant wait to know Ben's reaction to his mums attitude towards his wife....fingers crossed ;)

  2. Nolly wood is waiting for you oooo!...lets see how you eventually tame or get along with this horrible mother in-law
